Joachim Burghart was born in Baden, Germany about 1794; however, his parents’ names are unknown. Records indicate that Joachim immigrated from Hohberg in southeast Germany to North America in 1832. He was probably from the Karlsruhe District—Niederschopfheim—in Germany.

There are many spelling variations for Burghart, including, but not limited to: Burgert, Burgart, Burget, Burger, Burghart, Burghard, and Burghardt.

“J. Henrich Brueggert” married Anna Elisabeth Grone in 1830 in Pruáen, Germany. Joachim and Anna boarded a ship to emigrate after their marriage; however, Anna Elisabeth Grone died during the voyage and was buried at sea. Family lore indicates Joachim arrived via New Orleans and then traveled on to St. Louis alone.

After arriving in St. Louis, Joachim married Elisabeth Schnurr on 5 March 1833 at St. Louis King of France Church, now called the Old Cathedral located on the Arch grounds.

Records located at Assumption Parish indicate that “Bishop Kenrick bought seven acres of land from Joachim Burghard on December 6, 1842.” The Recorder of Deeds of St. Louis has the same transaction with expanded information. “Joachim Burgert and Elizabeth his wife, of County of St. Louis, Missouri, to Peter Richard Kendrick, coadjutor Bishop of St. Louis. Consideration $60.00. Containing seven acres on Mattis Creek, for the express purpose of building thereon a Roman Catholic church and other buildings for the use and benefit of said church.”

It is interesting to note that Joachim “Burgert” acquired this property from the United States government on 3 February 1842 and on 6 December sold the same to Bishop Kenrick. At one place the newly acquired church property was adjacent to a tract of land owned by the heirs of Auguste Chouteau.

An additional tract of land containing two acres and seventy-four hundredths was conveyed to Bishop Kenrick for the sum of $30.25, according to a deed dated 4 July 1845. Land selling directly from the U.S. government sold for $1.25 per acre, usually for an eighty-acre tract.

Joachim Burghart lost his wife, Elisabeth, and daughter, Magdalen, in the cholera epidemic on 21 June 1849. Joachim later married Gertrude Stocker, but that marriage resulted in a separation and divorce. Joachim died about 1 September 1867 and found his final resting place at the Assumption Parish Cemetery in the Old St. Mary section, in lot 482.

Written by Judy Broleman
June 2020
© 2020, St. Louis Genealogical Society

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