Northwest Publishing Company’s Plat Book of St. Louis County provides the names of property owners in the city and county of St. Louis in 1909. This digital version shows each atlas page in a Google Maps interface and displays the names of property owners with the types of buildings on their property. When you search for the name of a property owner in our database, you will be able to go directly to the location of the property. Scroll below the atlas cover for links to the atlas pages.

Courtesy St. Louis Genealogical Society

The starter pages to the interfaces for the atlas pages are at Clickable Plat Book Outline Map. and Plat Book Table of Contents

Plat Book of St. Louis County Missouri, 1909, published by Northwest Publishing Co., Des Moines, Iowa, 1909, is available as a CD-ROM from the StLGS store at Plat Book of St. Louis County, Missouri, 1909.

The data is also provided by the Missouri Historical Society (which also has images online) and is in the public domain.