7030 Gravois Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63116
Historical Catholic Cemetery
Established: 1864
Burials indexed: 84,000
Photo to the left taken by Karl Bloomberg © 2011; used with permission. Click on this map to see it georeferenced in a Google Maps interface.
Map courtesy of the Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis

GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 38.5674967, Longitude: -90.2896862   Click here for a Google map to the cemetery.

Use the map on the upper right above to find specific sections within this cemetery. Click on the map to go to a page that will allow you to see the cemetery overlaid on a current map and to enlarge it so you can see the section numbers. (The map is a big file and may take several seconds to load.)

This cemetery, the second largest Catholic cemetery in the St. Louis area, was established in 1850 and continues to be active. It was originally opened to serve the southside German community when their small parish cemeteries closed. The St. Louis Catholic Archdiocese owns this cemetery and their burial records may be searched at the cemetery office. This index includes records up to June 2001.

Source of Data for this Cemetery

Data provided electronically to StLGS by the Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis.

Cemetery Specific Data Notes

“Grave Markers at 2nd Cemetery Removed Over Upkeep Fee Issue,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 12 August 1951.

“Weeds Hide Forgotten Civil War Cemetery, St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 25 May 1961.

“Superintendant’s Home Razed At SS. Peter & Paul Cemetery, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 22 August 1967.

Sappington-Concord, A History. (St. Louis, Missouri: Sappington-Concord Historical Society, 1999), page 90.

Encyclopedia of the History of St. Louis, by William Hyde and Howard L. Conrad (New York, Louisville, St. Louis: The Southern History Company, 1899), volume 1, page 338.

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Last modified: 02-Nov-2023 19:08