St John UCC (Manchester) Old Cemetery

Photo taken by Donald A. Wallace © 2013 (Used with permission)

St. John UCC (Manchester) Old Cemetery
258 Sulphur Spring Road
Manchester, Missouri 63021
UCC Cemetery
Established: 1860
Size: 8 acres
Burials indexed: 1177

Click on this image to see the cemetery boundary georeferenced in a Google Maps interface.
Image courtesy of the year 2018 ArcGIS layer from St. Louis County GIS Center


GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 38.5919026, Longitude: -90.5195791   Click here for a Google map to the cemetery.

The German United Evangelical Church established this cemetery next to their church in 1860. They built a new church on the top of the hill south of the church in 1927. They tore down the old church in 1952 to enlarge the cemetery and later added a new memorial lawn park section at the top of the hill across from their new church. This cemetery is adjacent to St John UCC Manchester (New) Cemetery (St11). Each has its own entrance gate, but this gate has been closed.

Source of Data for this Cemetery

Data recorded from tombstones in 1982 by StLGS volunteers Virginia Guinther and Jackie Whitworth. Additional data provided in 1987 by Hubert J. Kopp, Jr.

Cemetery Specific Data Notes


Additional Resources

Old Cemeteries, St. Louis County, Missouri, volume 1 (St. Louis Genealogical Society: St. Louis, Missouri, 1982), pages 201–202.

Old Cemeteries, St. Louis County, Missouri, volume 4 (St. Louis Genealogical Society: St. Louis, Missouri, 1987), page 84.

To see St John UCC Manchester (New) Cemetery (St11), click here.

For more information on St. John UCC-Manchester congregation, Click here.

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Last modified: 11-Mar-2025 20:30