St. John UCC, Manchester, Deaths
Please Note: Not all information is in the index. A link to a PDF file that contains the scan of the original document is in the “Scan Page” column. The scanned page contains all the information available from the church records.
The first record made in the U.S. by many European, especially German, immigrants often recorded the immigrants’ European place of origin. Frequently this was a church record. Because of the importance of place names to European research, we’ve created a separate index for European persons/places based on information found in these congregation records. Clicking on the “Plc” in the “Surname” column will take you to that index page. If there is no “Plc” in the surname column, then the record did not have a location listed. Also, if you have difficulty interpreting a place name in any original image in this list, click to search for your European in our person/place index. Check back frequently because the European person/place index will expand as congregation indices are added.
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Return to St. John UCC – Manchester
Last modified:
01-Nov-2021 22:36