14825 Manchester Road
Ballwin, Missouri 63011
Historical Methodist Episcopal Cemetery
Established: 1837
Size: 0.25 acres
Burials indexed: 0

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Image courtesy of Pitzman's 1878 Atlas

Current graveyard location is Salem Methodist Cemetery (S04)

GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 38.5932217, Longitude: -90.5395103 Click here for a Google map to the cemetery.

This German Methodist Episcopal Church Graveyard was the original location of the now Salem Methodist Cemetery. It was established in 1837 by John Ball and other Kentucky pioneers.

Source of Data for this Cemetery

This graveyard was moved to what is now the location of Salem Methodist Cemetery sometime between 1878 and 1908

Cemetery Specific Data Notes


Additional Resources

Old Cemeteries, St. Louis County, Missouri, volume 1 (St. Louis Genealogical Society: St. Louis, Missouri, 1982), page 203.

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Last modified: 07-Dec-2024 12:55