(ESNA—Evangelical Synod of North America)

Genealogical Data

The following records from this congregation are available:

Baptisms from 1912 to 1918

Confirmations from 1912 to 1932

Marriages from 1912 to 1973

Deaths from 1912 to 1968

StLGS is following state guidelines for privacy wherever possible. Births/baptisms online must be at least one hundred years old; confirmations eighty-six years old; marriages forty-five years old; and deaths fifty years old. Additional indexed data from these records is available; please come to the StLGS office to view it. As privacy limits permit, society volunteers will post additional data online.


Established in 1912

A group of men met in February 1912 at one of their homes. They organized at the end of the month and chose Eden Evangelical as their name. By the next month, their committee had purchased a vacant lot and they began to have services in a nearby church until their own building was constructed.

The dedication of the church building took place on 26 April 1913. Contemporary accounts show it was a lovely day and there were about 1,000 guests. The church could not accommodate so many people, and the pastor actually repeated his presentation for those who were outside.

This congregation has a rich history of service to the community and of fellowship among congregants. They are looking forward to a bright future.

Eden UCC Affton8920 Eden Ave, Affton
Photo © 2011 Eden Theological Seminary Archives
(Used with permission)

Address: 8920 Eden Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63123

Telephone: 314-631-8930

Website: http://www.edenucc.org/

GPS (Latitude, Longitude): 38.5518987,-90.3327086 View Map

Last Modified: 23-Dec-2021 10:40