(LCMS—Lutheran Church Missouri Synod)

Genealogical Data

The following indexes from this congregation are available:

Baptisms from 1851 to 1916

Confirmations from 1861 to 1930

Deaths from 1851 to 1965

Marriages from 1851 to 1964

Clergy from 1849 to 1881

These are indexes only. As of 2016, we do not have this congregation’s permission to publish actual images online. However, this may change in the future.

StLGS is following state guidelines for privacy wherever possible. Births/baptisms online must be at least one hundred years old; confirmations eighty-six years old; marriages forty-five years old; and deaths fifty years old. Additional indexed data from these records may be available; please come to the StLGS office to view it. As privacy limits permit, society volunteers will post additional data online.

Salem Lutheran-Black Jack
Photo © 2013 Phil Klasskin
(Used with permission)


Established 1851; still active in 2016

A group of Lutherans from Bielefeld, Germany, immigrated to St. Louis between 1839 and 1849. They settled in the Black Jack area north of the city. In 1849, they established the Salem Evangelical Church of New Bielefeld and welcomed their new pastor, C. H. Schliepold. Men from the church erected a one-room log structure in 1851 that served as their church for ten years. They also provided a school. To accommodate their growing congregation, they built a larger brick church, which they dedicated in 1899. In 1993, the church undertook a building program to update the old 1899 facility and completed a large addition to the church.

In 1895, the members built a one-room brick building across the road to serve as their school which they used until 1950, when they built a new school next to the church. In 2001, the church completely remodeled the old school to provide a new meeting space for their congregation.

Address: 5180 Parker Road, Black Jack, Missouri 63033

Telephone No.: 314-741-6781

Website: www.salembjmo.org/church/

GPS (Latitude, Longitude): 38.7930901,-90.2627822 View map

The church established a cemetery near their first church. In the 1870s, they needed more space and acquired a new site. They arranged to move the graves from the old cemetery to be reinterred in the new cemetery at 5825 Parker Road.

For access to the Salem Evangelical Lutheran cemetery, click here.

Last Modified: 06-Aug-2019 18:56