This database has more than 77,000 entries. Please use the search engine. Click on the “Refine Search” button below.

As of 2020, we no longer accept new generation charts.

Surnames Charts

These pages contain indexes to four-generation ancestor charts submitted by StLGS members. Each entry contains the ancestor’s full name and the volume and chart number where that person can be found.

Want a Chart Copy?

If you find a name of interest here and want a copy of the chart(s), please send a request to the Society with the volume and page number and an email address. We will email you the requested chart(s).

Send your request to:

Four-Generation Charts
St. Louis Genealogical Society
#4 Sunnen Drive, Suite 140
St. Louis, MO 63143

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Last modified: 09-Jan-2020 13:36