Family Cemetery
Established: Date unknown
Size: Unclear; on private property
Burials indexed: 1

Located on Barker Lane in Ballwin, Missouri

(Because this cemetery is on private property, we are not publishing its exact location. However, if you have an ancestor buried here and need to know more, please contact St. Louis Genealogical Society.)

There is just one visible headstone in this newly-discovered family cemetery, and that stone, crudely carved, is of a baby. According to his Missouri death certificate, little James Marvin Barker was born and died on 25 September 1950. He was buried the next day in the family plot. The death certificate shows that James’s parents were Paul Barker and Marilynn Martin. Paul Barker was the son of Marvin Barker and his wife Pauline. According to the 1930 federal census, the family was living in Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, and Paul was the youngest of six children.

Source of Data for this Cemetery

Data recorded from tombstone by StLGS volunteer Tom Mullen.

Cemetery Specific Data Notes


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Last modified: 08-Dec-2022 09:40